



December 9, 2022

You’ll find below the stretches we mentioned in the video, as well as hold times and the number of repetitions you should make.

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician before you start any of these exercises or any other exercise.

Trunk Rotation in Sitting


  1. Place one arm on the backrest of your chair and sit down.
  2. Reach across your body to grasp the opposite arm of the chair.
  3. Slowly turn your trunk until you feel the stretch.
    • Hold Time: 10-30 seconds
    • Do it 3 times
    • Do this exercise on both sides
    • This stretch can be done every other day

Trunk Flexion / Extension in Sitting

  1. Place your hands behind your head, and sit straight in a chair. Keep your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  2. Slowly bend forward starting at your waist, then gradually bend your upper trunk toward the floor.
  3. Restore your head to a standing position and lead with the head
    • Hold Time: 5-10 Seconds
    • Repeat it 5 times
    • This stretch can be done every other day

The Rhomboid Stretch

  1. Place your back towards the middle or edge of the chair
  2. Reach forward, and grab the opposite side of the chair with your hand.
  3. Maintain straight arm, raise your body slowly while still holding onto the chair leg.
  4. When you feel comfortable stretching, hold.
    • Hold Time: 10-30 seconds
    • Do it 3 times
    • Do this exercise on both sides
    • This stretch can be done every other day

The Levator Scapula Stretch

  1. One hand placed on the back of your neck. The other on top of your head.
  2. To stretch your arms, sit tall and use the hand to pull your chin towards your armpit until you feel a comfortable stretch.
  3. Continue holding and following the instructions.
    • Hold Time: 10-30 seconds
    • Do it 3 times
    • Do this exercise on both sides
    • This stretch can be done every other day

The SHred Program

Click here to watch the video.

Click here for the clinical research reference.

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