



December 9, 2022

You’ll find below the stretches we mentioned in the video. It also includes hold times, how many times you should repeat them and how often each week you should do them.

Disclaimer: You should consult your physician before you start any of these exercises or any other exercise.

Wrist Extensor Stretch

  1. Place one arm straightening in front of your face, palm facing down
  2. Slowly pull your fingers back towards the stomach using the opposite hand.
  3. During exercise, keep your elbow straight

Sets: 1
Repeat: Three times
Sessions: Every other Day
Hold Time 30 Seconds

Wrist Flexor Stretch

      1. Place one arm straightening in front of your face, palm facing down
      2. Slowly pull your fingers back towards the chest using the opposite hand.
      3. During exercise, keep your elbow straight

Sets: 1
Repeat: Three times
Sessions: Every other Day
Hold Time 30 Seconds

Pronation Stretch

      1. Slowly rotate your opposite hand downward (palm down) until you feel a comfortable stretch.

Sets: 1
Repeat: Three times
Sessions: Every other Day
Hold Time 30 Seconds

Supination Stretch

      1. Slowly rotate your opposite hand upwards (palm facing up) until you feel a comfortable stretch.

Sets: 1
Repeat: Three times
Sessions: Every other Day
Hold Time 30 Seconds


Fall Prevention Resources – Don’t Put This Off – Reduce Your Risk of Wrist Fractures!

Last year, was created with balance and fall prevention resources. You can even do some exercises to improve your balance. Before you do any of these exercises, make sure to speak with your doctor or physical therapist.

Fall Prevention Resources


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